Thursday, March 31, 2016


Away to get free bitcoins, join Payza, work your way to a better Income from home,
join Payza. then join some of these other links

Faucet House

Free Bitcoin site Faucet House this is a good site, I use this lots and i like this one it is good,
so if you like Free Bitcoins and you like to make some or earn some Coins the this is the one to use.

Free Cloud Mining


This is a free Cloud Mining site, Where you get free #bitcoins, you can mine for free at Top Mine Com.

                          SO I say work from Home Mine Bitcoins with TOP Mine
I use this site and I like it, It is a good site for Cloud Mine.


It is 8:pm and I still do not know what to post, all I can say is Thank you Twitter.
and FaceBook, this is about to be a blog about Bitcoins and work from home.
Let see how should say this I work from home with my Blog, and Earn Bitcoins from Home.
how you ask by looking at adds and doing faucets,

What to look for in the Bitcoins it is a long hard road for Bitcoins but I think they will make it.
bitcoins is here to stay, and It some thing I love make and using. so now I will have to see
what is it I do to make money off my blog.


at this time it is 7:16 and I am looking at Bitcoin stuff, Why you ask with the love of Bitcoin.

You can work from home or have a Income It is not much but it is some good Income, And I got some good Faucets for people to Use, It is that you can use them.
We all have to start some place and will I am going to do that. I am working with a new prog that may help me out or not, some of these faucet all good and some of the are not, it just all how you use them.

I am Back

Hey #bitcoin lovers I am back it been a long time for me, it is that I hit a dry run, and ran out of things to post. See Back when I had good stuff to post people did not make it to my blog, and it was just things was not going good for me,

Let me bring you up to speed
1.I lost my pastworld to my blog
2.I had move and did not have internet where I was living at the time.
3. I had some time but not all was good.

So i like to say I am back and I will try put more stuff on here.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bitcoin poker site founder takes plea deal to avoid jail time

Bryan Micon gets probation and fine after running afoul of gambling authorities. A man who ran a 

Bitcoin-based online poker site and then fled to Antigua after being raided earlier this year has pleaded guilty to a lesser gambling violation in Nevada as a way to stay a near-free man.